Today I will write about the Chile of the Bicentennial, this year 2010 was considered like a special year. What think the people about this celebration? Or the great cost for the government? Or only was a demonstration of populism of the president and his cabinet? We can have own opinions, and we can be critical the actions of the Government, and the politics of Sebastian Piñera, the position of the social scientist is more critical that the rest of the population, but we need consider a lot of things and reflect about the global situation.
Is not easy for the people thinking about the cost of the celebration of the Bicentennial, you think that I believe that the people are stupid, but is a more complicated to explain. The people were exposed to vision of the media, a no reflexive and superficial position. But, we can’t ignore the fact of the orientation of our government: populist, neoliberal, business look of privileged people. We cannot deny that our president is more a show-man that a man of government is so superficial and he is prone to make mistakes in any moment (we can remember the incident in Germany, when he wrote “Germany Über Alles”, a phrase with a Nazi past), or the show that he did with the accident of the miners (I know that you think when he give rocks of the mine a lot people in Europe). But, the topic of today is the Bicentennial of our country, not the stupid things that do our President. Well, in this year the country used their best appearance of the world forgetting the injustice and the poverty (is a shame the statistics of poverty and percents of violence). The celebrations were adopted in all the country, especially in the “Fiestas Patrias”, when the people spent a lot of money.

To conclude this essay, I need give an excuse: this post is supposed is about of the Bicentennial of our country, but I wrote about the bad government of the present president, but if we think in this celebration is impossible to think in the stupid things that our president do. I don’t like the atmosphere of the Bicentennial, the situation of our country is the same… the social injustice are here, are outside.
You're right Ruth, the esssay was about the bicentenary and you wrote something a bit different. Anyway, I must tell you that there were some ideas a little bit confusing besides some grammar and vocabulary trouble.