When we talk and write about the environment, we try to appear like mature and intelligent people talking about a lot of things that we don’t know, really the people don’t read and ask themselves about these topics. Personally, I don’t consider me like a green people, but I take conscience in the school when the teachers talked about it. I consider that so import for the children.
The people in general don’t have conscience and habits, they don’t care the environment: use cars for short distances, don’t recycle, use plastic bag and produce a lot of wasted. In my case, I don’t use bicycle (because I don’t know ride a bike), but I walk and use the public transport system (especially subway), I don’t like use car for many reasons: the cost of gasoline, the problem of traffic congestion and the contamination. But I don’t have a green side, regularly I don’t recycle (in my building is impossible to separated the trash, only the glass and plastic bottles, and cardboards), but I re-used the plastic bags, the plastic packaging, and others things. Other thing that I do is reduce my use of electricity and water in my house; I think that these little things can help especially to reduce the carbon footprints, other thinks that we can do are don’t smoke, don’t use cars all the time, and others things.
In Chile are so many organizations that pretend protect and care the environment; I don’t participate in none, and I don’t think in participate in the future, because I think that these people are so artificial and the environment is only a pose for look like important and intelligent.
If we asked about the behavior of the society in Chile about the environment, we need think in a lot of things particularly education about the recycling and the care of the nature in children and old population, and we learn about the correct habits, because the population in this society don’t have more knowledge about it. For conclude we need think in the future generations.
Nice pictures!
ReplyDeleteI think too, that the education in this issues is the most important for generate a change!
Well, I'm not that green either, but you're right, education is the base for create enviromental conscious.
ReplyDeleteI'm agree with you XD
ReplyDeleteSee us
completly agree with u!
ReplyDeleteI agree with you too...education (and information) are the base to take conscience about this problem.
I agree with you, we need education and more information about this big trouble
ReplyDeleteSee ya!
Wow, everybody agrees with you even me, education is very important, well done Ruth, the new leader of the green cause!!!