Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Good Morning Classmates!

I’m here today for tell you in what country I like to live, well, I think that my election would be Germany, for many reasons, specially for I like to get a doctor’s degree in studies of culture and patters of cultural education.

When I was a child I love the German music, the special aesthetics of the musicians and artists (my favorites bands are German: Rammstein, Von Thronstahl, Rouska, and others). Also I like many writers and philosophers like as Goethe, Nietzsche, Hess, Kant, Hegel, Heidegger and others. Well, the intellectual life in this country is great and varied.

I think in live in Germany for five or six years, maybe only study in that country, I wish study in the Heidelberg’s university (This had students like: Hegel, Goebbels, Weber, Habermas, Max Plank, Jaspers); but, if I have the opportunity to live in this country I’ll be so happy. I like to go with a “special person”, but if I’ll go alone, I’m happy too.

This sounds great, but Germany is so expensive (without talk about the airfares), my plan is get a scholarship (I think in the Beca Chile or Erasmus Mundus), because I haven’t money or saving capacity.


  1. I always had wanted to go to germany to get drunk with beer, but your option sounds great too!

  2. ahhaha you forget to talk about the beer!
    I'd like to visit Germany too, but only like a tourist, it's a beautiful place

  3. Heidelberg's university it's a great choice!!!
    And, Germany must be a beautifull country anyway.
    See you.

  4. You're soooooooooooooo freakin' intellectual xDD

    But it's great, you like it so much, so I hope you have luck in gettin' the scholarship you need =D

    Maybe in a few years we all could be in other countries studying xD

  5. Philosophy, churchs and beer XD

    Very interesting XD
    See us !

  6. Germany is a good option :)
    I like many philosophers of this country too!
